ED4D and COVID-19: enabling Entrepreneurs to turn a Crisis into an Opportunity 21 October, 2020ED4D and COVID-19: enabling Entrepreneurs to turn a Crisis into an OpportunityRead MoreED4D and COVID-19: enabling Entrepreneurs to turn a Crisis into an Opportunity
Meeting the Ethiopian Entrepreneurs 29 January, 2019Meeting the Ethiopian EntrepreneursRead MoreMeeting the Ethiopian Entrepreneurs
Launching Event ‘Entrepreneurship by Diaspora for Development (ED4D)’ Ethiopia 28 December, 2018Launching Event ‘Entrepreneurship by Diaspora for Development (ED4D)’ EthiopiaRead MoreLaunching Event ‘Entrepreneurship by Diaspora for Development (ED4D)’ Ethiopia
Launching Event ‘Entrepreneurship by Diaspora for Development’ (ED4D) Ghana 28 December, 2018Launching Event ‘Entrepreneurship by Diaspora for Development’ (ED4D) GhanaRead MoreLaunching Event ‘Entrepreneurship by Diaspora for Development’ (ED4D) Ghana