CD4D2 assignments are usually on a short-term basis, meaning that participants must adapt quickly to their new environment and hit the ground running. Diaspora naturally has a pre-existing awareness and understanding of their countries of origin, but with many having spent extended periods away, or even being born in their host countries, sometimes there can be a culture shock. Situations may have changed, and participants may have become accustomed to the way things are done in the Netherlands rather than their countries of origin. For this reason, pre-departure training will be obligatory for all new participants before they go on assignment or take up a virtual assignment.
Under the expert guidance of Wim Nijssen from the organization Currents, the first groups of participants have already undergone two training sessions. Topics covered include how to facilitate knowledge transfer, understanding cultural differences, stakeholder perceptions, creating empowerment as well as exploring what is expected of them in relation to their terms of reference. Given the current restrictions, it even allowed for participants to learn additional lessons on how different it is to engage with stakeholders virtually.