We are happy to announce the publication of the CD4D2 Midterm Evaluation by the Maastricht Graduate School of Governance (MGSoG). Despite challenges caused by Covid-19, the positive impact of the project stands out. Through interviews and data analysis, MGSoG reflected back on the results of the project so far and looks forward to the months ahead.
The CD4D2 Midterm Evaluation report gives an insight into the progress of the project, now that we have passed the half-way mark. The team from MGSoG held interviews with multiple managers at Host Institutions in the participating countries, collected virtual data and also shared a survey with project participants. The different results derived from this extensive data collection gave a good overview of the successes and challenges of CD4D2.
Overall, results show a positive impact of the project, and highlight the many different knowledge transfer activities that were performed by the diaspora experts. Some of the most frequently performed activities were problem-solving, mentoring and encouraging teamwork.
Despite unforeseen challenges caused by Covid-19, looking ahead to the final phase of the project we are optimistic: the Midterm Report showed the importance of knowledge transfer as a method for development. We are also happy to see that the majority of participants are satisfied with the assistance of IOM and the Host Institutions as part of the assignments. The largest challenge for the remainder of the project will be to ensure sustainability of the results so far, which we are hopeful will be achieved.