We launched the CD4D Ambassador Campaign in March 2021, which is now past its mid-way point. Our ten Ambassadors highlight the impact diaspora can make in their country of origin and share their stories with the Dutch public. We are grateful for their continuing commitment to IOM diaspora engagement projects.
Our ten CD4D Ambassadors do not all share the same country of origin, but they have one important thing in common: their commitment and passion for giving something back to their country of origin, where they use their diaspora expertise to promote development through knowledge transfer, and by applying their skills and other resources. Not only have they contributed to the project directly by completing one or more assignments, they also convey their passion in other ways.
Many of our Ambassadors have shared their stories with different Dutch media outlets, while others have shared their experiences during webinars, radio interviews or podcasts. In addition, with the help of our project partner Georgina Kwakye, the Ambassadors have received visibility training and are active on social media channels.
Zuhur Mohamed is one of our Ambassadors from Somaliland and has given her testimony at multiple diaspora events, such as an event on Diaspora Engagement organized by the IOM Regional Office in Brussels, and an event organized by Telling the Real Story, UNHCR. “I really enjoy speaking at this type of event: it is inspiring to connect to people who share the same passion and motivation,” Zuhur says.
It is clear that our Ambassadors do not go unnoticed, and many external parties are eager to work with them and learn from their expertise. Recently, multiple Ambassadors participated in the Wilde Ganzen-Partinday organized by Wilde Ganzen and Partin. Wilde Ganzen is a Dutch NGO that supports initiatives aimed at development cooperation with knowledge, a strong network and funding. As Wilde Ganzen is interested in supporting more projects initiated by members of the diaspora, this is a great opportunity for cooperation. We are happy to help create a platform for our Ambassadors to share their experiences and look forward to supporting their continuing engagement in the future.