On the 12th and 13th of May, a high-level thematic meeting on migration and development took place in Madrid, organized by the International Center for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) and co-hosted by the Spanish and Senegalese governments. The objective of this meeting was to bring together Rabat Process partners to engage in joint reflection on recent developments in the migration and development nexus. Partners have explored how development cooperation can better address the root causes of involuntary migration while maximizing the positive impact of migration.
It is inspiring to meet people who share the same passion and motivation to support the diaspora
Our colleague Zia Gulam attended this meeting in Madrid to speak about diaspora engagement in the context of IOM NL’s project Connecting Diaspora for Development (CD4D). Together with one of the CD4D ambassadors, Zuhur Mohamed, he highlighted the role of women as drivers of development and agents of change.
“I really enjoyed speaking at this meeting and sharing IOM Netherlands’ experiences in the framework of the CD4D project. It is inspiring to meet people who share the same passion and motivation to support the diaspora to contribute to the development of their countries of origin.”, so Zia explains.