As part of the ED4D-project, we planned go-and-see missions to Ghana and Ethiopia. During these missions selected entrepreneurs would meet with representatives from institutions, gain insight about local financial options, visit other diaspora-led businesses and learn about local rules and regulations. Due to COVID-19, however, we had to rethink the go-and-see missions.

If you cannot go to Ghana or Ethiopia, we will bring Ghana or Ethiopia to you
The entrepreneurs are currently benefitting from a virtual bootcamp until the end of November 2020. The bootcamps are designed by Impacthub Accra and North South Consulting. They allow participants to connect to the local ecosystem and cover the following topics:
- Navigating Legal & Regulatory Landmines;
- Building Winning Local, Partnerships;
- Testimonials from “Veterans”;
- Customer Acquisition, The Ghanaian Way;
- Virtual Tours of 5 Businesses in Ghana Led by Dutch Diaspora;
- New Market Entry, Research and Testing;
- Building a Cross-Border Business: Connecting to Global Communities for Growth.
- Welcome to do business in Ethiopia;
- Political aspects, policies and legal structures in Ethiopia;
- Business Canvas Model and sector of interest;
- Finance, management & technology;
- Make your business work and learn from others.
In addition to the bootcamp, the Ethiopian entrepreneurs are entitled to a return ticket to Addis Ababa and extra support. This support includes relevant connections with Ethiopian business entities, partnering, supply chain development, export facility, personalized advice and more.
Ghanaian entrepreneurs are entitled to a return ticket to Accra and several Impacthub membership advantages. They will have access to workspaces, community events and other venture support programs. They will be introduced, moreover, to Impacthub’s vast network of resources and investors.