Country focuses: the Netherlands, Ethiopia and Ghana 20 March, 2019Country focuses: the Netherlands, Ethiopia and GhanaRead MoreCountry focuses: the Netherlands, Ethiopia and Ghana
IOM and PUM Collaboration on Promoting and Facilitating Diaspora Entrepreneurship in Ghana and Ethiopia 20 March, 2019IOM and PUM Collaboration on Promoting and Facilitating Diaspora Entrepreneurship in Ghana and EthiopiaRead MoreIOM and PUM Collaboration on Promoting and Facilitating Diaspora Entrepreneurship in Ghana and Ethiopia
Kick-off event for Ethiopia 13 February, 2019Kick-off event for EthiopiaRead MoreKick-off event for Ethiopia
Entrepreneurs for Development in Ethiopia ED4D Kick-Off Event 1 February, 2019Entrepreneurs for Development in Ethiopia ED4D Kick-Off EventRead MoreEntrepreneurs for Development in Ethiopia ED4D Kick-Off Event