Decades of political, social, and economic challenges in the Federal Republic of Somalia have led to critical capacity limitations. National education and knowledge systems have collapsed, aggravated by a massive brain drain. Somalia is now on the path to emerge from fragility. A key milestone is the New Deal Somalia Compact, which provides a new political, security and development framework. The Compact presents specific priorities framed by five Peacebuilding and State building Goals. These are: 1. Legitimate Politics, 2. Security, 3. Justice, 4. Economic foundations, 5. Revenues and Services.
Past Achievements
Somalia was included in the initial CD4D phase. Since 2016, 87 assignments have taken place. These assignments took place in South Central Somalia, Somaliland, and Puntland. Capacity was built in priority sectors, including education, infrastructure, governance and agriculture. There proved to be a substantial qualified diaspora community with a Somali background in the Netherlands, consisting of mainly young professionals, who are willing to contribute to the reconstruction and development of the country through short assignments in Somalia.
Chosen Sectors Somalia
Chosen Sectors Somaliland
As the main organization for the Somali Diaspora in the Netherlands, IOM has selected HIRDA as a suitable partner for the implementation and outreach of this project. HIRDA is a Somali diaspora organization, founded in 1998 with the aim support development and humanitarian aid in Somalia.