In recognition of the potential of the diaspora, the government of Nigeria has articulated a clear policy direction to effectively utilize, support and engage the diaspora for national development. Notable efforts towards this goal include; the creation in 2003 of the Nigeria National Volunteer Service (NNVS) which was previously the main organization for diaspora engagement; the setting up of the House Committee on Diaspora Affairs Office and the Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Foreign Affairs and Diaspora; the establishment of an annual Diaspora Day Celebration on 25th July; and most recently the establishment of the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission.
Nigeria is currently in the process of finalizing its National Diaspora Policy (NDP), which constitutes Nigeria’s first comprehensive national plan to foster and facilitate diaspora engagement. This is being done with the support of IOM within the framework of the ‘EU-IOM initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration in Nigeria’. In the NDP, the ‘Government commits to providing the necessary enabling environment, including legislative, regulatory, budgetary, and information support for the implementation of the Policy.’
Past Achievements
Nigeria is a new addition to the CD4D project, forming part of the second phase CD4D 2. This is the first time that IOM the Netherlands has undertaken a project with Nigeria as a focus country.
In line with the priorities of the Government of Nigeria, and within the framework of the national 10th EDF project “Promoting Better Management of Migration in Nigeria” that was implemented between 2012 and 2016, IOM has developed various initiatives in collaboration with NNVS to mobilize highly skilled Nigerian migrants in the diaspora. Some of the initiatives include; the establishment of a system for the registration and mapping of Nigerians in the diaspora to enable the government to secure substantial information on socio-demographic spread, economic characteristics and potential of the diaspora, as well as their willingness to invest in Nigeria. In 2014, IOM conducted a mapping of the Nigerian diaspora in the health and education sectors in three pilot countries (United Kingdom, South Africa and the United States of America).
Chosen Sectors
As the main organization for the Nigerian Diaspora in the Netherlands, IOM has selected NIDO NL as a suitable partner for the implementation and outreach of this project. NIDO NL is a sub-section of the European-wide organization NIDOE.