Beneficiary Institution: Slemani Governorate, Sulaymaniya, Iraq
Shamal A. Hussein, Private Office Translator for the Slemani Governor
“This is the first time I have participated in this programme. IOMs CD4D2 programme helps to exchange knowledge and skills and to modify the gained “know-how” on a local level to match our needs. The diaspora experts reach out to the host institutions, supporting structural and firm developmental steps in a feasible way towards a better understanding and a collaboration between nations.
Our governorate is qualified in the area of agricultural development, supported by mechanisms and strategies used by highly advanced research institutions abroad. Together with other Middle Eastern countries, we will face a shortage in water resources in the next 5 years. Therefore, it’s crucial for us all to get prepared and learn more about the best ways of using water resources efficiently for farming, increasing greenness, etcetera. It is also essential to examine how we can sustainably connect and work together after the current pandemic.
Our staff recently received expertise from diaspora experts on this topic. It is exciting to see what has been achieved so far through sharing knowledge and information based on our needs, challenges, and opportunities. International connections and collaboration not only improved our agricultural sector but also set the ground for long-lasting touristic, industrial, commercial and even cultural interactions and programmes in the future.
Diaspora experts assess certain needs of the host institutions and develop plans to address them. We have mutually learned from each other’s administrative, organizational, scientific, communicative, and other expertise.
At the same time, the staffs can reflect on strengths they already possess and what they potentially want to further invest in and to develop more. The diaspora expert provides a mirroring process for the trainees to give them a closer insight in the positive aspects of their abilities, as well as in the aspects that need to be improved.”
The Sulaymaniyah or Slemani Governorate is the provincial government of Sulaymaniyah in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Its largest city is Slemani.